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Visual Composer #4446


Current Projects

PROJECT 1: Contribute to cluster objectives by reaching 17,744 individuals through Shelter /NFIs and WASH response in Twic county.

Project | Programme Objective

Improved access to safe shelter, water, sanitation and hygiene through provision of essential goods, services and cash support for the most vulnerable IDPs, returnees, and conflict and disaster affected people in Twic County, Warrap state.

State | County

Twic County, Warrap state

Amount Funded

  • USD 278,761


  • 9 months (November 1, 2022 to July 30, 2023)

Doners | Partners 

  • South Sudan Humanitarian Fund through a sub grant with IO

Key components | Main Activities

  • Conducting two community engagement sessions per location for two weeks to learn more about conflict sensitivity and do no harm, better understanding the community’s needs, conflict sensitivity, GBV and protection concerns, doing training, and/or setting up committees and feedback mechanisms to be implemented throughout the project cycle.
  • Conduct gender risk analysis and mainstream GBV throughout all stages of S/NFI
  • Conducting a needs assessment and a review assessment during mid-term in the IDPs settlements with the help of relief committees to identify and ensure most vulnerable households are targeted
  • Carrying out registration/verification of beneficiaries targeted for the cash-based ES/NFI intervention
  • Selection and training on AAP/Relief Committees.
  • Training of enumerators
  • Selection, verification, and Registration of Beneficiaries.
  • PRL request, transportation, and storage of NFIs Items
  • Distribution Planning and distribution of NFIs items.
  • Conduct Training for 36 Hygiene Promoters
  • Conduct Hygiene Promotion at Household Levels
  • Identification and registration of WASH NFIs beneficiaries
  • Distribution of WASH NFIs (water buckets, PUR sachets, soap, and filter cloths) and MHM Kits
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